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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Will Zynga follow "Linked In" if it goes public?

   According to, "Zynga, the maker of the popular FarmVille and Mafia Wars games for Facebook, could file for an IPO by the end of June, marking yet another widely-anticipated and highly valued Internet company to join the ranks of publicly traded companies." Was Linked In a fluke or for real? Is their stock overinflated? Investors seem to think that there is something to these online companies. What do you think? Whether or not Zynga will be another overinflated or the real deal, one thing is for sure, if it goes sky high it will be an opportunity for a quick one day buy.


  1. If Facebook goes public it will probably blow Linked In out of the water.

  2. In the mid to late 1990's everybody remembers the Internet boom, companies like were created went public, sold at high levels and went bankrupt in about 300 days. There is a distinct correlation between this social network boom and the Internet boom of the late 1990's. This is the inarguable fact that social network is a trend that in time like anything else will need to fight hard to stay relavent. For every Facebook and Twitter explosion their is a downfall a loss...a myspace. Facebook may have planted itself firmly in the foundational world of social network sites and even the Internet at large, but that is still yet to be proven does it have the long term stability? The point being ride the bubble if you want but jump off it before it goes Pop, don't look for a windfall.
