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Friday, September 2, 2011

How to bid on ebay successfully:

Buying on ebay is kind of an art, but most people just who bid just don't realize it. These tips don't always apply but if you buy from businesses online, it helps a lot to know a few secrets. When I first started buying on ebay, I would often end up buying things at a lot higher price than I wanted. The longer I bought things on ebay, the more I learned secrets to good buying. For an example, last week I purchased a near new 27" Samsung LED LCD TV from an ebay company and paid $208 total. Just to let you no, in case you aren't familiar with technology prices, brand new they sell for about the $380 range and used $280ish. With that, rule number one, don't always have to be the high bidder. So many bidders want to see that they are "the high bidder", it feeds their ego...or something. The problem with that is that everyone wants to be the number one and when someone outbids them, prices go too high too fast. So be willing to be "outbid" and wait. The second rule is to make your first bid while the price is cheap and early in the bidding. Here is why. You want to get your bid in there (but only make the minimum bid) so when it gets close to the end, you can participate in the "one click bids". Don't put a bid in if the price is high, it will only drive it up more...wait. The third rule is that you should wait until the final 30 seconds to do your bidding. If you bid earlier others will have too much time to respond and they will also realize that their are others sitting, ready to bid. It makes other bidders antsy and they may outbid you at the end. Use the element of surprise and jump in at the very end, and start winning items at low prices.

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