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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Cheap Web Hosting

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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Economic Meltdown?

    An economic meltdown is on the lips of many economists. The re-election of Barack Obama has dampened the hopes of recovery. As many are convinced that he isn't capable of recovering our financial state, many have shifted to panic mode. The fragility of the economy cannot sustain another 4 years of debt from the Obama administration. With welfare recipients at a new high and Obama continuing to give hand-outs; also welfare recipients now receive free cell phones aka "Obama-phones". We have seen this administration in action and the economists may be right. We may be in for an even rougher 4 years. Hold on tight and prepare for an even weaker financial economy, major job losses once "Obama-care" goes into effect, mass applications for welfare, Unemployment spikes and tax hikes for everyone. If you think it's hard to run a small business now...just wait and see.

New Card Game Available- Get it for Christmas!!!

Visit this link and check out the new, card game Centum:

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

American States to Secede?

Can a state leave the union?
More than a dozen states have filed for a petition to secede from the union. Texas, being the front-runner, has reached over 75,000 signatures and is still going. This new trend is leaning us toward a complete change in the USA as we know it. Texas, of all the states, has one of the largest economies in the world. This makes it very feasible for it to secede. Secession would actually help its economy. The question for all these states is this: should a secession be taken seriously? and... Would each state hold up militarily to defend itself? Whether or not you agree with this idea, its buzzing around all over the US, and it's in the constitution.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Free Centum Card Game Giveaway!!!

Sign up for our email updates about the game and be entered to win a free special edition copy of the new game "Centum".

            (Not Available for International Residents. MUST BE A US RESIDENT WITH VALID US MAILING ADDRESS)

Saturday, October 13, 2012

New Game Coming Soon!

Centum- The fun family/party game
    Centum is the Latin word for 100 and the object of the game is to reach 100 points. This card based game is good for parties, family get-togethers, and more. This addicting game is very interactive for each player. Every play is an opportunity for players to earn points through trickery, strategy and bit of luck. 
    Lure your opponents into their own demise or carefully deter an opponent from choosing your hand. It's up to you to devise a plan and win.

Visit our game's blog:

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Picking the Best President for 2013

This year's election is one of the biggest in my opinion. With so much at stake and with our country hanging in the balance, we eagerly wait for our chance to cast a vote for our future. This article is not to tell you who to vote for but to simply ask yourself these questions:

1. Does my candidate believe in the core values that made this country great?
2. Does my candidate have the morals that he should in order to run this country?
3. Does my candidate believe that laws and decisions should be within the constitutional boundaries?
4. Does my candidate constantly straddle the fence on key issues?
5. Does my candidate share my faith?
6. Does my candidate care more about personal reputation more than the reputation of the USA?
7. Does my candidate put himself before his country?
8. Does my candidate make excuses for mistakes or does he apologize?
9. Does my candidate know how to lower the national debt or does he just talk the talk?
10. Does my candidate think that the US is the greatest nation in the world?
11. Does my candidate say things just to please the public?
12. Does my candidate place human life below the life of an animal?
13. Does my candidate even know what the constitution says?

If you don't know...then find out. Both candidates can be contacted via phone, or mail, possibly even email. Stop guessing or assuming and make your candidate answer your questions. They need to be accountable to the people. Find out if your candidate is qualified. The worst thing you can do for this country is vote ignorantly.


Friday, August 17, 2012

Check out this new book by David Henderson!

This is a brand new Christian book about faith, betrayal, and sacrifice in which the main characters are descendants of the mighty Nephilim from biblical times. “The nephilim were on the earth in those days - and also afterwards. ...They were the heroes of old, men of renown.” (Gen. 6:4) Who are these Nephilim? you may be asking yourself. Well, there are two views– one is that they are the ungodly offspring of Cain as apposed to Seth’s God fearing offspring. The other view is that they are the offspring of human women and fallen angels.

The Nephilim were known to be great giants as described in the biblical book of Numbers. And though they are only mentioned a few times in the Bible, the Nephilim have such an underlying presence and seem to be one of the reasons for the earth-wide flood in Genesis. So in the book Nephilim the Remnants it is the half man and half fallen angel view that the main characters are descendants of.

The story itself is fictional and takes place in the medieval lands of Lore where an evil Nephilim lord named Count Vladimir threatens to plunge the ancient world into a new age of darkness by burning their books. And one very old book in particular– the Bible. But one courageous knight armed with his faith, who is also secretly a Nephilim, stands in his way.

The readers will experience what it is like to walk along side the Nephilim characters. The readers will discover truths in and about themselves that will take them beyond the book itself and into their own personal lives– and even into eternity as God’s plan of redemption and salvation is clearly presented in the story.

Experience Nephilim the Remnants, for yourself by visiting where you can view the book’s video trailer and other helpful information. The book Nephilim the Remnants is also available online at, Barnes &, and is sold for the Nook and Kindle.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Facebook Stock Holding Its Ground

After a dismal start, in part to the NASDAQ's technical issues, Facebook (symbol: FB) has regained some ground in its first day of trading. With its stock selling around $41.00 (+8%); it seems to have stabilized.

Facebook Stock is Available to Buy
Already Facebook has traded over 300 million shares and the day is only half over. The remaining problem for traders wanting to buy or sell Facebook today is that due to glitches in the system, traders are not getting any confirmation messages. This disastrous error has been causing investors to hesitate participating in the stock.  

Facebook hit a high of $45 and a low of $38 per share.